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General Description:
Sowing Instructions Aftercare Instructions:
This an easy to grow swede which produces medium sized swedes with yellow flesh and
with an excellent, mild, sweet flavour. The fine textured roots store well and they are
absolutely delicious cooked and added to mashed potatoes, casseroles etc.
Best of all swede prefers a rich, well manured soil but they will grow on ordinary fertile soil
which has had plenty of well rotted compost added. Sow late spring/early summer 3cm (1in) deep in drills 38cm (15in) apart.
Growing Instructions:
Thin out seedlings to 30cm (12in).
Hoe regularly, taking care not to damage the roots and keep the crop well watered.
This variety is hardy and can be pulled as required from autumn to Christmas. After this
time lift and store in a pit like carrots or in boxes of damp sand. The young leaves also make tasty and nutritious spring